Monday, December 18, 2006

Teh HoRrOr, lama flamers.

Im deeply sorry about leetspeak title, i couldnt resist.

Some Flamer pictures (yeah, they´re still horror models).
They´re blue, blue like sky, blue like water, Blue like berserking lightning demons. Not entirely happy with these to be honest (hey look, i didnt use TBH. Maybe im not lost soul).

Uhh, i painted 2 converted chaos terminators. Why in the bloody hell i didnt take pictures while i was using the camera... Stupidity kills they say. Anyway im going to post (HA! didnt use gona here) them later, stay tuned [insert here dun dun dun sound].


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mr.Tp 1 - Lazyness 0

Hello. Today im going to make short list what i´ve done so far. I actually took lots of pictures (ya rly).

Whole gang. Includes dread, 3 flamers, 12 marines, converted sorcerer, converted lord, obliterator and 5 raptors. Fully painted.

Marines, sorcerer and asp. champ.




You all´ve seen dread pictures so i wont post them again. Also i didnt take any pictures of flamers (actually they´re horror models, but when we´re talking about tzeentch, anything goes i guess) because i want full squad of em painted first.

Then i also took pictures about my converted chaos terminators (uhh.. Im not entirely sure if that sentence is correct english -.-´). Made from new plastic marine terminators. I changed front plate, head and added some spiky bitz.

I still need to paint defiler, 2x obliterators and 3x horrors. Then i´ve full 1500pts army. Tomorrow, im gona do some armylist tuning, thanks john for help.


Thursday, December 7, 2006

Dis bit goes daar. Und das bit goes deer.

Good afternoon. Sorry, i got lil lazy last week and didnt make a post. Truth is nothing really happened. Anyway, im made little tweeks to my armylist. Its something like this:

Chaos Lord 60pts
+ Sorcerer 10pts
+ Daemonic flight 20pts
+ Daemonic aura 15pts
+ Infiltrate 15pts
+ Furious charge 15pts
+ Dark blade 25pts
+ Daemonic resilience 10pts
+ Doom bolt 15pts
+ Bolt pistol 1pts
= 186pts

3x Obliterators 210pts
= 210pts

7x Chosen 119pts
+ MoCu 7pts
+ Infiltrate 21pts
+ Icon of chaos undivided 20pts
Aspiring Champ. 10pts
+ Power fist 15pts
Sorc. Aspiring Champ. 15pts
+ Mass mutation 25pts
+ Power weapon 10pts
= 242pts

6x CSM 84pts
+ MoCu 6pts
+ 2x Plasmagun 20pts
+ Infiltrate 18pts
= 128pts

5x Flamers 110pts
= 110pts

5x Raptors 145pts
+ Furious charge 15pts
+ Infiltrate 15pts
+ Meltagun 10pts
Aspiring Champ. 13pts
+ Lightningclaw pair 30pts
= 228pts

Chaos Dreadnaught 75pts
+ TL-Lascannon 50pts
+ Heavy flamer 12pts
+ Extra armour 5pts
+ Mutated hull 30pts
= 172pts

Defiler 150pts
+ Indirect fire 25pts
+ Mutated hull 30pts
= 205pts

= 1481pts

Flamers! Lamers! Lamas! I havent bothered to check armylists regularly, but i still remember no one used those. After looking at stats i really wonder why, these guys have 2 wounds and fricking assault heavy bolters. 22 Points and can be summoned anywhere you need them. PWN`D!

I posted this list to Finnish warhammer forum, Sotavasara. I wonder how long it takes till flame fest starts "umgthosethingzorzucknoob"...

Say wots happening next? Well i sold my Tyranids army for 110 euros, im going to use those funds to pay my chaos expansion. Terminators, more obliterators, more lamas, more demons and maybe predator or rhino. Give me ideas damnit!

Sincerely yours

Monday, November 27, 2006

Small steps

Jello. I just saw i had 3 awesome comments. Omghi2u and thanks! Its really nice to know that people have seen this tiny miserable blog.

Just felt quilty i havent posted here in few days. You see i got examweek going (allthought it ended today) and i havent bothered to do anything but studying.

Other news. I completed my winged chaos lord conversion. The thing still looks like marine, but he has wings on and 2 power swords. Not best conversion i´ve managed to do, but i think its good enought for my HQ.

Also, i painted my converted Chaos sorcerer (made from ordinary CSM). I dont have any pics about final result, but i hope you like teh convershun´.

And i found some WIP pictures about that dread i show´d you while ago. Nothing special as you see. <-- Homemade plasmacannon. Made from assault cannon.

Yeh, thats all now. Ill be posting new pictures about that sorcerer and chaos lord.

Ps. Before i forget.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

To the skies.

I spent whole last night thinking about the armylist im going to do. My first idea was Raptor horde, using night lords armylist. Lord, 3 CSM squads, 3 raptor squads and dread. Tbh it would have been boring list even thought whole army infiltrates (excluding dread). Then i went to mixed list. I wanted to make diffirent list for a while without über closecombat demonic lord.

1500pts CSM

Chaos Lord 60pts
+ Mark of Chaos undivided 5pts
+ Sorcerer 10pts
+ Doombolt 15pts
+ Daemonic aura 15pts
+ Dark blade 25pts
+ Infiltrate 15pts
= 145pts

6x Chosen 102pts
+ Mark of Chaos undivided 6pts
+ Closecombat weapons -pts
+ Infiltrate 18pts
+ Icon of chaos undivided 20pts
Sorcerer aspiring champpion 20pts
+ Mass mutation 25pts
Aspiring champpion 10pts
+ Power fist 15pts
= 216pts

3x Obliterators 210pts
= 210pts

6x Chaos Space Marines 84pts
+ 2x Plasmagun 20pts
+ Mark of chaos undivided 6pts
+ Infiltrate 18pts
= 128pts

6x Chaos Space Marines 84pts
+ 2x Meltagun 20pts
+ Mark of chaos undivided 6pts
+ Infiltrate 18pts
= 128pts

5x Raptor 145pts
+ Meltagun 10pts
+ Infiltrate 15pts
+ Mark of chaos undivided 5pts
+ Aspiring champpion 13pts
+ Dual Lightning claws 30pts
= 218pts

Chaos Dreadnaught 75pts
+ Twin-linked lascannon 50pts
+ Heavy flamer 12pts
+ Mutated hull 30pts
= 202pts

Defiler 150pts
+ Indirect fire 25pts
+ Parasitic possession 40pts
+ Mutated hull 30pts
= 245pts

Lord is supposed to go into Chosen squad.

And other news, im still cant find new batteries to my camera -.-´
Im gona go to market tomorrow and buy some new ones and share the fun.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

So far, so good. Eh?

So what i have managed to complete so far? At the moment i have fully painted Dreadnaught, 6 Chaos space marines with bolters and plasma rifles, 6 Chaos chosen with close combat weapons and Aspiring champpion. Oh and one chaos raptor.

I did some tests and apparently i cannot post pictures big enought here, so im going to host them somewhere and link here.


This thing here, is plastic Space marine dreadnaught with chaos bitzorz glued everywhere. Also i had few spare marines so one of them was glued infront of the dread. Those tubes are pure greenstuff.

Bolter marines

Only 3 of em, mostly because i ran out of batteries -.-´

I will post more soon™.


Let the winds of the warp bring war.

Hello. this is my blog about building Chaos Space Marines Warhammer 40.000 army. My name is Timo-Pekka, usually known as Kala Veijo or Mr.Tp. Im ordinary guy from Finland, living my dull life.

Idea of this blog is keep up my army tuning ideas in one place and show new stuff iv´ve managed to get done. Hopefully this will also give me inspiration and new ideas.

Enought of this, no point making long starting post if i dont have anything to show.
